Vitiligo / White Patches is the most common dermatological disorder, in which hypo-pigmented, white patches or macules appear on the skin (skin loses its natural color). This condition affects 2% of the total population of the world. This skin disorder causes white patches on the skin. Under this kind of pigmentation disorder, cells that make pigment (melanocytes) in the skin are destroyed. As a result, white patches start appearing on the skin in different parts of the body. The vitiligo patches can appear on any part of the body and the most common areas affected by vitiligo are inside the mouth, around the nose, rectal areas, and nostrils. The same patches also appear on the mucous membranes (tissues that line the inner part of the mouth and nose) as well as the retina (inner layer of the eyeball).
Where advanced treatment for managing vitiligo is offered by experts. Though vitiligo is not as harmful as other life-threatening diseases but can affect one appearance and confidence. Sometimes, people get white patches on the areas of the skin which are exposed to the sun. The condition can affect anyone regardless of race, gender, and age, it is more noticeable in people with dark skin.