Rhinoplasty Treatment in Delhi Ncr

The nose is one of the most distinctive features of our face. Needless to say that its basic function is essential in our day to day life. But what happens when we are unhappy with the way our nose looks, or have certain functional defects of the nose that make it difficult for us to breathe? This may damage the quality of life!

Rhinoplasty surgery or, in layman’s term a ‘nose job’ is a cosmetic surgery procedure to either change the shape of the nose or improve its functionality. A cosmetic surgeon corrects/reconstructs the form of the nose while restoring the functions and enhances the aesthetics of the nose by performing a rhinoplasty. A Rhinoplasty repairs or resolves difficulties caused by nasal trauma (blunt, penetrating, blast) or birth defects and respiratory impairment. Many times, a revisional rhinoplasty surgery is performed on the nose to correct a previously failed primary surgery to improve its function or for aesthetic reasons.

Reasons for Rhinoplasty

People usually have a rhinoplasty to repair the shape of their nose after an injury, to improve breathing problems or a congenital defect, or because simply because they’re unhappy with the appearance of their nose.

People get rhinoplasty to repair their nose after an injury, to correct breathing problems or a birth defect, or because they’re unhappy with the appearance of their nose.

Your Nose Surgery Doctors can bring about the below mentioned changes to your nose through rhinoplasty:

  1. size change
  2. angle change
  3. straightening the bridge of the nose
  4. reshaping the tip of the nose
  5. narrowing the nasal base or nostrils

Types of Rhinoplasties

  1. Functional Rhinoplasty
  2. Cosmetic Rhinoplasty
  3. Turbinates reduction or dysfunction correction
  4. Projection Adjustment Rhinoplasty
  5. Osteotomy or repairing Nasal fractures
  6. Septoplasty or Correcting a Deviated Septum
  7. Tip Rotation and Reduction
  8. Alarplasty or Nasal Width Reduction
  9. Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Our Other Treatment

Our Plastic Surgeon will recommend the most suitable treatment option based on your skin type and the severity of disease or issue.