What is a cleft lip and cleft palate?

A cleft lip is a separation of the two sides of your child’s upper lip. It appears as a narrow or wide opening and can include gums and nostrils and extend to their palate (roof of their mouth).

A cleft palate is a split or opening in the top of your child’s mouth. It can involve the bony front portion or the soft back portion of their mouth.

Cleft lips and palates can occur together or separately, although having both a cleft lip and cleft palate is most common.

Cleft palate surgery

Cleft palate repair is surgery to fix a separation or opening in the roof of your child’s mouth. Their surgeon detaches and rearranges the tissues on the roof of their mouth. Stitches are used to bring the left and right sides of the cleft together.

What happens during surgery?

Cleft lip

The goal of cleft lip surgery is to close the gap in your child’s lip and improve the shape and appearance of their upper lip and nose. Incisions are made on either side of the cleft to create flaps of skin. Those pieces of skin are drawn together and stitched with absorbable (they dissolve) stitches.

Your baby is under general anesthesia (they’re asleep) for the procedure. Cleft lip surgery takes less than two hours. Your child will spend the night at the hospital to ensure they tolerated surgery well.

Cleft palate

Cleft palate surgery aims to close the opening in the roof of your child’s mouth, create a palate that supports normal speech development and prevent food from coming out of their nose. Cleft palate surgery takes between two and three hours but can take longer depending on the type of palate repair.

Your child will be asleep (under general anesthesia) for the entire procedure and not feel pain.

The surgery involves rearranging and repairing several layers of tissue in the roof of their mouth and nasal cavity. Incisions are made on each side of their palate. Layers of tissue are loosened so they can be stretched. Once the tissue is in place and the separation is closed, their surgeon will use absorbable stitches to close the incision.

How long do cleft palate and cleft lip surgery take to heal?

It can take up to four weeks to recover from cleft lip or cleft palate surgery. Recovery from cleft palate surgery may take a little longer due to the complexity.

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