Thread Lift Treatment

As we grow old, we lose facial fat. Also, the facial support structure gets weak. To redefine facial contour and get back youthful appearance thread lift is a safe alternative to traditional facelift cosmetic surgery. It is also referred to as ‘lunch hour lift’. This procedure reduces sagging around jawline, cheeks and neck. It lifts drooping eyebrows and deep nasolabial folds. Instead of dramatic results, thread lift provides subtle and modest changes. The recovery time is very less, the outcome is immediate, and even the cost is reasonable.

What Is Thread Lift

A thread lift is an aesthetic procedure that treats minor facial and neck sagging to render a rejuvenated appearance. It can be done on mid face, lower face, neck or brow. The treated area is raised and sagging is eliminated. It is a minimally invasive method. The scarring is virtually invisible, and threads are hidden within the skin once they are knotted. Many a times thread lift is done in combination with other non-invasive procedures such as laser treatments, anti-wrinkle injections and facial peel to improve the texture of the skin. Also, liposuction may be done at the same time to enhance the facial contours.

Types of Thread Lift

There are various types of thread lift techniques. Among them, the most popular ones are Contour thread lift and Aptos thread lift.

  1. Contour thread lift: Here the threads are fixed in the area of first access and are unidirectional. Contour thread lift uses unique threads made up of non-absorbable clear polypropylene. The threads are guided along designated contour lines to improve the precision. The incision through which the threads are inserted is made above the hairline, and sagging skin is lifted and tightened.
  2. Aptos thread lift: The threads used in Aptos thread lift are made up of single strand non-absorbable material known as polypropylene. Polypropylene has been used for surgical stitches for a long time. The threads are designed by bi-directional barbs going outwards from the mid of the thread and pointing inwards towards the mid so that they can be inserted under the skin and the cogs to hold the lift.

For thread lift mostly two types of threads are used:

  1. Barbed thread or free cogged: Barbed lift suture does not require to be suspended. They are self-supporting sutures just like hold-up stocking. They are the most commonly used threads nowadays.
  2. Suspension threads or smooth threads: Suspension threads need to be suspended to a stable structure of scalp or face. This type is best suited to the patients with mild to moderate facial tissue sagging. It is mostly recommended to the patients in mid-thirties to fifties. Suspension threads may be resorbable or non-resorbable. They are mostly made up of nylon or prolene.

Who Are Good Candidates For A Thread Lift

  • Client with minimal aging signs and in need of a minimum lift.
  • The client with a realistic expectation
  • Patients with a positive outlook
  • Non-smoker
  • Individual in the 30s to 60s with a right skin tone and if your skin is not too lax.
  • The patient should be in a good health
  • Your skin is not prone to keloid or scars. Also, there is no history of poor wound healing

Techniques used:

  1. Closed technique: Here the soft tissue is moulded over the sutures in different location points until the appropriate location is caught.
  2. Open technique: Surgeon uses an instrument to create a raw surface under the skin. Here, when the sutures are pulled up, the lift remains at the appropriate position.
  3. Combination technique: This technique involves the use of sutures at multiple tissue level so that all the barbs are caught. The suspension created here cannot be created with non-barbed sutures. The number of threads ranges from 2-20.

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Our Dermatologist will recommend the most suitable treatment option based on your skin type and the severity of disease or issue.